Between 1 July 2014 and 31 August 2014, the East Lothian Community Rail Partnership undertook a survey of local residents to gain insight into why people use the train, why they didn’t and what could be improved.
Through the responses there were a number of areas where it has become clear that more promotion and marketing of train and bus services in the area is required due to perceived issues around limited services where in fact services operate. Some of these perceived issues have been included within the survey summary with the information in italics providing additional context.
The survey was available through the East Lothian Council website with hard copies also available through library, community centres and sent out on request. The response was great with 300 people taking the time to complete the survey.
Of the respondents, 28% used the train several times a week with a further 30% using the train several times a month. The stations with the most respondents to the survey were Dunbar (113) and North Berwick (58).
Respondents took their time to provide the Community Rail Partnership with detailed information as to why they chose to use the train or why they used the car or bus instead along with suggestions for the rail industry on where improvements could be made. The information has been included in the East Lothian station audit 2014 report The ELCRP clearly stated in the survey introduction that not all ideas could be implemented but that we would work with partners to see what could be achieved in the short and longer term.
Through the responses there were a number of areas where it has become clear that more promotion and marketing of train and bus services in the area is required due to perceived issues around limited services where in fact services operate.
Some of these perceived issues have been included within the survey summary, which is on page 26 with the information in italics providing additional context.